Edi said:
Known recruitment prices for summoned units so far:
Trolls: 60 gold --> 4 upkeep per troll per turn.
Troll Kings: 150 gold --> upkeep 10
Sea Kings: 150 gold --> upkeep 10
Sea Trolls: 50 gold --> upkeep 3.33
Foul spawns: Average recruitment cost 1 gold --> upkeep 0.07. To make it simple, every 15 fould spawns cost 1 gold to upkeep. The more powerful ones like Ettin and Chimaera are 0 recruitment cost, it's the man-sized almost useless chaff that costs money. One of them had a cost of 2, the rest are 1 and one was 0.
More news as the DB progresses.
This explains why, when playing Atlantis, I cast 3 Troll kings court and 2 Sea Kings court in a single turn and went bankrupt.