Edi said:
You are not reading what is being written for you, Ranger.
You must place the bodyguard stack on top of your god on the battlefield so that your god is surrounded on all sides by guards. Otherwise the guards are useless.
Repeating your opening post is not going to do much for you, nor is your insistence that horror marks must be removed upon resurrection. You've been given advice. It's up to you to try and act on it.
Can you READ E-N-G-L-I-S-H? Your advice doesn't work.
The horror bypass the 144 guards, attacks and kills my god, on turn one!
1. Guards don't work (only work on minor Horrors).
2. My God doesn't even get to cast any spells.
3. Magic Items (armor, weapons, etc.) so far havn't done any thing.
If something can kill a magic user with 144 guards, level 4 magic in four areas, with 4 gems each, good armor, and get's taken out on turn one of a fight I THINK THIS IS A LITTLE UNBALANCED, DUH!