Re: Guide to EA Mictlan and bloodhunting
I would think Mictlan would be both a facehugger and a longterm threat - the triple bless Mictlan more of a pure facehugger, but the right dual bless (LA Mictlan with Fountain for F9S9 or W9S9) or 1 major/multiple minor bless strats (Smoking Mirror is a great F9/W4/B4/S4/D2 base) can definitely leave a lot of room for Mictlan to take beneficial scales (ideal IMO is sloth/turmoil/luck 3 growth 2 magic 1). As Mictlan is the premiere blood nation, you can in a sense "buy off" some of your bad money scales by switching over to blood. Your random luck income will continue to roll in, you won't hunt in provinces which pick up good mines, and the opportunity cost for each individual blood slave is less (since the province is producing less gold through taxation than in an order setup and still has reasonable chances to give hundreds or thousands in random events).
Blood is an exceptionally strong long term strategy in my mind because it allows you to convert your gold income (generally used to buy troops with upkeep costs) into blood income (used to summon demons without upkeep costs). The longer the game lasts, the more your army size and power increases.
Finally, as mentioned above, in the late game Astral Corruption is pretty much an "I win" card.