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Old April 17th, 2007, 08:05 PM
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Gandalf Parker Gandalf Parker is offline
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Default Re: playing ANYONE against everyone

HoneyBadger said:
Along with the 50 nations, what about Tir'na'nOG and Fomoria? For that matter, what about a selection of "officially" accepted mod-nations like Haida G'waii?
Those two are actually already in the game. Nations 13 and 14 have those names already assigned but in 3.06 they dont have much they can do. So Im guessing that when they show up in the next patch I wont have to do anything. The Eriu I dont know where they are showing up so I might have to edit the mod for them.

As for other modded nations, Im not sure what is needed. Feel free to try it and find out. I probably wont be offering them in my game unless a single mod comes out that fills the empty slots and gives them flags. Anything else is more work than I plan on doing.

I might toss the empty slots into the game as AI's. Or some veteran might try them. They start with an army but most of them have nothing to recruit so they are basically freebies for whoever lands near them.
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