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Old June 11th, 2007, 08:56 PM

Archonsod Archonsod is offline
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Default Re: Questions about PD and other

thejeff said:
Maybe because I tend to play against Impossible level AIs? At least the initial attacks tend to have 4-500 troops. Even 100 PD isn't going to stop that for most nations.

Depends on the nation and their PD troops, and also whether the AI has decided to be sensible or not. A good PD force (Abyssia for example) can be lethal, especially if backed up with a mage or two. Of course, like I said it depends on the AI, It tends to put forward useless armies as often as it does credible ones.
To be honest, I'd be surprised if the AI managed to beat the high PD when it's fielding that many troops. Generally it's had them starving for a couple of turns first, and what takes the field looks more like your local hospital's casualty ward than it does an army.
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