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Old October 10th, 2007, 07:34 AM
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Default Re: How do you fight the Niefel giants?

Same probably goes for Fomorians. They are a lot like Niefel in that respect, except Fomoria can be really goddamn scary. They have Divine Serpent as one of the pretender choices, and going for an imprisoned, with N3 and startdom 3 that allows for N10 blessing (20% regen, +2 berserk), Dominion 6 and seven positive scales to start with. Alternatively, you could tack on E4 blessing to get them reinvigoration. At a cost of 110 each, you can start going to town with them very early, even without tax 200 & patrol and they just will not die.

They lack the Niefel Giant's cold aura, but they have 50% cold immunity and can go underwater, so if you start on the coast, you can gain holdings that are safe from all but water nations for a good while.
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