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Old October 10th, 2007, 05:19 PM

Huzurdaddi Huzurdaddi is offline
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Default Re: How do you fight the Niefel giants?

Kuritza said:
'Any numbers' is the keyword here. If they arent killed in the first two rounds of combat, they arent killed at all. Its unsettling.
IIRC, Ulm dual weilding troops easily win against Niefel Giants with equal Gold cost. Although they will cost more resources.

Basicailly you need cold resistant high damage troops. Sadly those are not in abundance.

Finally, WRT Fomorian giants, Giants without cold auras are not nearly as frightening. You can probably kill them with simple barbarians (which can also work, simetimes, with Niefels). The cloud trapeze is a very nice though. Air > Water.

One more time though: skelly spam > Giants.
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