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Old December 14th, 2007, 09:10 PM

Zogundar Zogundar is offline
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Default Re: Remove Curses and Horror Marks?

Maraxus said:
They are manageable but flavorwise I thing a petty Lizard Shaman should not even be allowed to annoy an Arch Lich or Elder Dragon. This sounds more like the job for "The Arch Mage of the enemy kingdom, wielding the sacred crystal coin" ... or someone with an equally long title.
That's another thing that bugs me.

I experienced Horror Marks for the first time yesterday. Is it normal for a caster, a pretender god in this case, to cast spells until they collapse from exhaustion and lose by default? Because that happened when they were attacked by a Horror. I've also seen it happen with some other 1v1 mage fights. They cast spells until they go over 100 Fatigue and then die.

Another thing: I came across an event that supposedly "Curses" your troops. The Priestess that was in the province had no troops and was not cursed herself, so I assume it only works if you have regular troops there. But since, if I were to purchase this game, I would want to get rid of ALL curse causing sources (Except maybe the items for which, I assume, you are under no obligation to create or equip), would be it be possible to remove this event?

One more question: Can you import save games from the demo into the full version and resume playing?
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