Sorry I didn't see this before now. I've had a couple of days of rather hectic schedule and not been on the forum much. I'll turn him AI, not that it's going to do any good at this point, since his only remaining province is being besieged by C'tis.
I request that anyone in danger of staling more than 1 turn make sure they notify us in this thread or send me a PM. That way I can delay hosting. What especially annoys me about this particular instance is that if I had known he was staling, I'd have grabbed two or three provinces off my northern border to add to my holdings. I certainly had enough troops for it. And because of that, I lost out big in terms of future potential, resources and strategic flexibility.
EDIT: By just going stale for several turns in a row, he actually screwed up my game much worse than he otherwise would have. From the looks of it, I'm soon going to be in the unenviable position of playing client state to either C'tis or Abysia before getting pasted. Even if he'd fought to he bitter end and I'd have joined in on the looting, I could have done that. But I just respected the NAP we had and got screwed because of that. Thanks a lot to Niefelheim indeed!