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Old July 7th, 2008, 03:40 AM

karnoza karnoza is offline
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Default Ulm - Ashdod.

It seems that there is some misunderstanding between Ulm and Ashdod. Has been informed that Ashdod is sending away messages accusing Ulm of "violating a NAP, prior to its expiration".

But below is previous message from Asdod to Ulm which states conditions of breaking a NAP:
I regret to inform you ...

From: chrispedersen

That as of this turn(13) my ally requires me to nullify my nap with you.

I personally think it will all be over by the time the nap expires (hostilities could commence on 17), but I am honor bound to say something.

I propose to revisit the matter with you, then.

Best wishes.


So, on turn 18 Ulm attacked some Ashdod province by a single scout and this is not NAP violation in anyway.
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