
July 7th, 2008, 03:40 AM
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Ulm - Ashdod.
It seems that there is some misunderstanding between Ulm and Ashdod. Has been informed that Ashdod is sending away messages accusing Ulm of "violating a NAP, prior to its expiration".
But below is previous message from Asdod to Ulm which states conditions of breaking a NAP:
I regret to inform you ...
From: chrispedersen
That as of this turn(13) my ally requires me to nullify my nap with you.
I personally think it will all be over by the time the nap expires (hostilities could commence on 17), but I am honor bound to say something.
I propose to revisit the matter with you, then.
Best wishes.
So, on turn 18 Ulm attacked some Ashdod province by a single scout and this is not NAP violation in anyway.

July 7th, 2008, 04:43 AM
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Re: Ulm - Ashdod.
The time for pomp and ceremony is over. The hillsides of the once expansive Bandar empire glow from the fires of Ulmish armies, and the unreasonable invasion horde from Mictlan.
Neighbors, friends, and enemies of Mictlan, know this - their empire has launched an all-out offensive against us, the army is not only massive, but is supported by what would seem to be the vast bulk of Mictlan's mage-priests.
After having our primary defenses rudely crushed by Ulm, Mictlan has nearly effortlessly established a beachhead, facing only reinforcements. The only way all of you can avoid being the next target for annexation, is to strike at the soft underbelly. Take a bite from the beast, or declare him your master - time is short.

July 7th, 2008, 10:55 PM
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Re: Ulm - Ashdod.
In the interests of fairness, I have to conclude that karnoza is right. Staling on MY part is not an error on his!
Fair is fair: Game on!

July 13th, 2008, 12:54 AM
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Re: Ulm - Ashdod.
Well, its been a tough game for Abysia, hit from three sides and a newbie player learning the power of a SC the hard way.
Down to my last province, some joy at last in a successful defence finally killing the machaka pretender SC who has singlehandedly been killing armies that were otherwise handling the regular Machakan armies comfortably
Hopefully I can hold out and frustrate the invadres a little longer, and hope someone can take advantage of machaka's misofrtune before the god returns and is rearmed - albeit with a couple of afflictions

July 13th, 2008, 05:32 AM
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Re: Ulm - Ashdod.
Reports from the ravaged lands in Bandar Log seem to depict several dozen frightened and bloodied Mictlan troops fleeing from the Bandar capital.
A spokesman for the Bandar, the venerable White One Mikhael Blackson would only provide this short quote to reporters, "When all else fails, ethereal Markatas will terrify even the stoutest of men.".
It is unknown at the present time what this statement actually means, but it is believed to elude to a secret doomsday weapon that the Bandar have developed far beneath their mountain home.

July 13th, 2008, 10:30 AM
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Re: Ulm - Ashdod.
Hmm, more likely exploding markata...

July 14th, 2008, 04:33 AM
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Re: Ulm - Ashdod.
While it may be true that some wondered if the designation "C4" emblazoned on the new uniforms were simply a military distinction - the results were reality defying.
The one survivor who was taken back to the fortress in Bandar Log could barely speak, save to repeat endlessly, "Damned little monkeys bit my ears off!".

July 14th, 2008, 03:34 PM
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Re: Ulm - Ashdod.
I will be out of town this weekend, so if I could get a small delay that'd be awesome. I'll be leaving about 5PM EST on Friday the 18th, and getting back about 10PM EST on Sunday the 20th.
Thanks in advance.

July 14th, 2008, 05:41 PM
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Re: Ulm - Ashdod.
No problem, but could you please remind me (here or with PM) more close to that date? 
It may also happen that no delay will be needed at all.

July 20th, 2008, 06:55 PM
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Re: Ulm - Ashdod.
Machaka would like to buy nature gems. We may offer fire, death or earth gems in exchange.
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