Kraftwerk said:
That its a good game in a sea of sub par titles.
So you admit at least that it's a good game?
Not to mention if you dropped the price 15 dollars or so, so it was 45 bucks, youd sell alot more. 3x45 is more than 1x60.
And if we dropped the price to a $1 we could sell SIXTY TIMES MORE COPIES, right? Oh wait, 60x1 isn't very helpful. But at least more people would be playing, right?
Why $45? Why not $50? Why not $40? Why not $43.82? So we drop it to $45 then someone comes along and goes, "You're fleecing your customers! If you dropped the price to $30 you'd sell a lot more. 5x30 is more than 3x45."
Why am I getting a sense of deja vu with this conversation?)
After a short burst of interest, they move on to a game they can all play together.
To all the folks playing MP games on this board has everyone shot their wad with their "short burst of interest"? Or are you still playing?
Grognards, enthusiasts, previous fans, and people starving for a quality game will, and if thats your goal, awesome, more power to yah Rockefellar
Hey, who leaked our business plan?
So, you think it's a good game but don't like what we charge for it...that sums it up, right? That's fine, to each his own.