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Old July 20th, 2008, 08:40 PM

Darkstone Darkstone is offline
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Darkstone is on a distinguished road
Default Re: TucoTuco

Van Gazetteer
Year 3AW, Late Spring:
A victory for Vanheim!

The evil necromancers who raise the horrendous dead to fight have been slain by the valiant Vans and their mercenary captains in the long and drawn out siege of the Ashdod Tel City. They withstood for many months, but in the end fell like the infidel scum they are. Casualties were few, thanks to an Ashdod slave, who opened one of the gates in the night! Their bloody temple was razed to the ground, and no more screams will echo from it.

Some cowardly Rephaite mages managed to sneak out during the final battle, but they will find no solace or safety! We will hunt them down wherever they hide!

We embrace our new citizens, and no longer will they feel the bite of whip and chain!

We mourn and honor our fallen. Construct the funeral ships!
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