Niarg said:
...We have been kind and generous to our neighbours, giving aid when needed without demands for compensation...
Ummm, wait, what?
From: Niarg
And so the battle against Oceania is almost over and it comes to divide the spoils of war.
I request that the lands 92 and 77 be left to me and you may take all of the seas to the south of there. Having given you the death gems you asked for to begin your campaign, it would be nice if you ceded these lands to me at the end of the campaign.
I would be amused if you claimed this was not a "demand". I can unveil your angry reply to my refusal. If a denied request is met with violence, doesn't that classify that request as a demand?
BTW, you are so polite when you demand things. I also liked how in your perturbation, you called the D gems "gifts in good faith". I'm having a hard time fathoming how one gives a gift, and then demands compensation.
But you're right, you're a pillar of the community, making war on numerous neighbors, and demanding payment for gifts. Definitely far more respectable behavior than that of Agartha, whose crimes include trying to protect their ally, and making good use of neglected or wasted resources.