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Old August 2nd, 2008, 07:18 PM

Loren Loren is offline
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Default Re: Strange behavior with a horror

JimMorrison said:
Kurgi? As in, Gift of Kurgi?

I think you've torn open a rift into the Void, inside of your computer. You may have to contact customer support and have them issue you a new space-time continuum, if you can get through the necessary paperwork before this one collapses into the hungry maw of a Doom Horror. O.O
I remembered that the turns are saved anyway even when I had to close the program with Windows. I reloaded it, the menus are back, Kurgi still won't move. The lab in the province is gone.


He vanished and now I got him back again. Still won't move.


Vanished, attacked when called for, showed up with an affliction of having lost an eye and I promptly took out the other one. Again and I've got him back. Still can't move.


An ordinary horror shows up (I think I have all the doom horrors in my army) and beats me. No phoenix pyre.

I conclude that something's special about a battle with a doom horror. Phoenix Pyre never works, nor do the Tartarian chains.
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