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Old August 26th, 2008, 05:19 PM
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Default Re: Paralysis is overpowered.

Originally Posted by Ming View Post
I have a slightly different perspective. I believe the real issue is not so much whether paralysis is too powerful, but whether astral is too powerful as a magic path - especially since Tartarians have now been nerfed. What are other players' views?

After finally messing with post-Shattered-Soul Tarts, I'd have to disagree that they were "nerfed". Yes, they have been rendered less ridiculously cost effective, for the few nations who can easily summon them en mass, AND heal them, AND GoR them. Pre-patch, every single Tart I ever summoned was just riddled with afflictions. Now, I can summon them as a Death nation that lacks Nature, and while they will all be Feebleminded, that's about all that's wrong with them (besides the Shattered Soul, of course).

Anyway, that's neither here nor there. I think that Paralyze could definitely use a reduction in duration. Halving the average hit, would make it a little more in line. Though, the CoE mechanic is interesting - though I can see how it might still upset people who are using their SCs as solo raiders, since once Paralyzed, and removed from battle - the battle would be over, and the unit completely lost.

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