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Old September 16th, 2008, 02:00 PM
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Default Re: llamaserver and e-mail problems

Originally Posted by Gandalf Parker View Post
Originally Posted by Jazzepi View Post
I've never seen a problem with supply out stripping demand. There always seems to be more people willing to play, then there are games, even with Llamabeast putting up the new "start a server" command page.

Hmmm Ive seen many game threads that failed to get players. Also in the IRC channel its not all that uncommon.

I know that on my own server Ive questioned whether or not I should offer so many games. They rarely fill up and many of them end up with one or two players waiting for weeks for other people to join. Too many games only increases that situation. Rules of supply and demand.

Gandalf Parker
I've only noticed that for the games that have really weird settings, or for people who start them and don't understand how to advertise their games properly. I always have a status meter in the title that shows how many spots are open and how many spots are left.

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