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Old September 26th, 2008, 01:04 PM
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Default Re: Turmoil 3 / Luck 3?

Originally Posted by Zeldor View Post

That topic was here many many times. There are max 3 events you can get + spells that look like event + conquering enemy provs, where events happened. If that combo was good people would take it often in MP. But it just isn't worth it.
I agree.

Every time I take turmoil 3 / luck 3, it's just complete garbage compared to Order 3 / Misfortune 2.

Misfortune is hilarious, actually, it's so /good/ for you. Misfortune's bad events generally are either "something terrible happens to a province" like everyone gets eaten, or "some neutrals attack your province". Mid-> late game the second category type of events you can easily remedy with a modicum of PD if your PD is good, otherwise you can just dump 20 into a province and have basic immunity from those events in that province.

The nice part about misfortune in this case is that it increases the number of events that occur. This means that you have a greater chance for neutral events and good events as well.

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