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Old September 28th, 2008, 04:38 PM
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Default Re: Turmoil 3 / Luck 3?

Originally Posted by SelfishGene View Post
Taking Luck/Turmoil for money is silly.

Luck/Turmoil is great if you have a big need for gems and gem diversity (aka, Tien Chi). All the free gem events give you a head start into remote site searching, and later on, a ton of extra gems for alchemy/summons. I was receiving i suspect close to 10-15 gems a turn in mp near the end of the game taking Luck/Turmoil.

It's true. I dislike how some people want to froth at the mouth arguing that Order/Misf is better gold than Turmoil/Luck. Well, no kidding. But apparently they don't like extra gems, free magic items, free castles, or national heroes (which for some nations are QUITE good). Also no one factors in the obligatory (albeit relatively minor, in time) investment in PD that is more necessary with Misf. 20 PD = 210g per province. No fortune, but if you have 30 provinces, that's over 6000g dropped into keeping you safe from barbarians.

By the by, in a game with Caelum using 3O/3L/3M, I've been blessed with 2 free castles in the first 20 turns. Kinda nifty, worth keeping unless they're in the WORST possible locations. (ie- screw up production in your capital or other key fort)
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