Re: Beer game! EA - Signup Closed!
What the hell are you talking about???
I didn't break the NAP, I waited until it was over and attacked.
How would I even have your email address to send you an email? We agreed on a NAP on either on a PM or in-game message, not sure how but I'm sure that there was one.
I'm not spinning anything, clearly you are.
I have the turn where you stated, I declare war and will honor our 3 turn NAP, and than you attacked.
If Vanheim was your ally, than with which ruler were you allied with since this is the third one I'm in war with, so was it Karnoza, Radioheart or who ever was before him?
Do you have any idea how ridicules that what you said sounds? You disregarded our NAP because I attacked your ally ( which you didn't either say he was, so I couldn't have knowen ), even after you stated you WOULD honor it and wait the 3 turns.