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Old December 14th, 2008, 04:37 PM
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Default Re: Beer game! EA - Signup Closed!

Originally Posted by Executor View Post
Oh, my apologies you are correct, I misinterpreted that expoit. However I ever dislike NAP breakers and if you're gonna go 2,3,4 against one, you might at least have the courtesy to say, I declare war and wait those 3 turns. OR honer the NAP once you say: 'I declare war and will honer our NAP', and than attack before it ends. Those are low tactics.
That's a bit more of sticky situation, and I really don't know if there's anything that can be done. This game was made before the great debate on the meaning of NAPs and as such there is nothing stating what NAPs mean, or whether or not they should be binding or mere lip service.

On the plus side it could have been 5 on 1, as I was seriously thinking of attacking you to.
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Old December 14th, 2008, 05:14 PM

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Default Re: Beer game! EA - Signup Closed!

If someone chooses to break a NAP is their decision, but it gives a bad reputation, and I watch and conspire against those players in any other games as do other players I presume. Once someone crosses you over you tend to lose confidence in him.

Now seeing what type of players are in this game, I very well may decide to kill the game by casting Armagedon several times, or utherdark and spells alike.
What would that be considered?
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Old December 14th, 2008, 07:31 PM
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Default Re: Beer game! EA - Signup Closed!

Originally Posted by Executor View Post
Now seeing what type of players are in this game, I very well may decide to kill the game by casting Armagedon several times, or utherdark and spells alike.
What would that be considered?
That's entirely your perogative. Although in all honesty how many players of this game have screwed you over? There are 8 players left not including yourself, you're at war with 4 of them, and 2-3 may have back stabbed you. So you're hurting atleast 5 other players for no reason.

To be honest at first I did feel bad for you, however I now recall that you're in Timewarp, a game where back stabbing is allowed (and is spelled out as such in the opening thread). You say you're all about keeping your pacts, etc. and yet you signed up for a game that's the complete opposite. With your dominant position in Timewarp, I'll give the following advice, trust no one, because other players will probably turn on you soon enough.

Imo it seems to me that you're more upset over being dealt a losing hand, within 1-2 turns, after months of manoevering to your current position...sure it sucks, but there can only be one.

It's funny that I feel all your anger is directed at me and yet I've done nothing to you, thems the breaks of being the admin I guess.
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Old December 14th, 2008, 08:12 PM

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Default Re: Beer game! EA - Signup Closed!

No my anger isn't directed at you slobby, when everyone started avoiding my PM's then I realised what was being organized, World War against Mictlan.

Probably a smart call too since I was maybe second on score graphs but you really can't tell who's stronger, me or Cealum, who is being left alone all game by the way and will probably win.

I do uphold my pacts, ALWAYS. I joined Timewarp because I wanted to try a big game and yes I know you organized it. And as far diplomacy goes, if NAP breaking is ok that still doesn't mean everybody's gonna break them. And if they are not ok that doesn't mean everybody is gonna respect that, so it makes little difference what you said in the thread.

"Imo it seems to me that you're more upset over being dealt a losing hand"

Yes, true, 4 against 1 isn't a winning combination, I don't like giving time to a game that I know I'm gonna lose, but keep in mind that I can make a big influence on who wins the game. So come and get it, we've got: Chalice, Boots of Planes, Sicle, A.o.Virtue, Dimension Rod, Aurgelmer, Unquenched Sword, The Sceptre and various other unique items, and whole bunch of gems that we'll decide who to give.
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Old December 15th, 2008, 03:33 PM

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Default Re: Beer game! EA - Signup Closed!

Originally Posted by Executor View Post
If someone chooses to break a NAP is their decision, but it gives a bad reputation, and I watch and conspire against those players in any other games as do other players I presume. Once someone crosses you over you tend to lose confidence in him.

Now seeing what type of players are in this game, I very well may decide to kill the game by casting Armagedon several times, or utherdark and spells alike.
What would that be considered?

You keep speaking as if you are innocent. I recieved reports that YOU broke YOUR NAP with my ALLY. Seeing as how I don't have an email ever stating that you and I had a NAP I felt obliged to assist my ALLY.

Spin it how you want. Those who know the truth will merely chuckle as the seeds one sows come back to haunt the sower.
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Old December 15th, 2008, 04:35 PM

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Default Re: Beer game! EA - Signup Closed!

What the hell are you talking about???

I didn't break the NAP, I waited until it was over and attacked.

How would I even have your email address to send you an email? We agreed on a NAP on either on a PM or in-game message, not sure how but I'm sure that there was one.

I'm not spinning anything, clearly you are.
I have the turn where you stated, I declare war and will honor our 3 turn NAP, and than you attacked.

If Vanheim was your ally, than with which ruler were you allied with since this is the third one I'm in war with, so was it Karnoza, Radioheart or who ever was before him?

Do you have any idea how ridicules that what you said sounds? You disregarded our NAP because I attacked your ally ( which you didn't either say he was, so I couldn't have knowen ), even after you stated you WOULD honor it and wait the 3 turns.
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Old December 15th, 2008, 05:18 PM

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Default Re: Beer game! EA - Signup Closed!

Originally Posted by Executor View Post
Do you have any idea how ridicules that what you said sounds? You disregarded our NAP because I attacked your ally ( which you didn't either say he was, so I couldn't have knowen ), even after you stated you WOULD honor it and wait the 3 turns.

I, as a sub for Agartha, have never made a NAP with you. so stop your raving. When i subbed in everyone else PMed me over the forums or through email (since you can't keep track of these things in game) and arranged for our relations to be agreed upon. Even those who were at war with Agartha at the time. I got nothing from you, except a PM asking for hammers.

Last edited by MadFrancis; December 15th, 2008 at 05:23 PM..
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Old December 15th, 2008, 05:22 PM

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Default Re: Beer game! EA - Signup Closed!

IF that was even the cast, which it isn't since we DID HAVE A NAP, why would you state that out you are canceling it?
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Old December 15th, 2008, 05:33 PM

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Default Re: Beer game! EA - Signup Closed!

I just found the turn where you agreed to a NAP. Turn 40 message sent to you, turn 42 answer arrived where you agreed to a NAP.

What do you have to say about that?
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Old December 15th, 2008, 05:35 PM

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Default Re: Beer game! EA - Signup Closed!

Originally Posted by Executor View Post
IF that was even the cast, which it isn't since we DID HAVE A NAP, why would you state that out you are canceling it?
I thought we did, but then I checked my records and it was actually Marverni, so it was a missend. The only message from you I have ever recieved was a PM over the forums asking if I was playing agartha and if so if you could buy some hammers, (which I responded "yes I have hammers but I will not be selling them to you". Your response indicated you got the message clearly). Why would you think that we had a NAP when we never made a NAP. Obviously the message was a mistaken. You can cry all you want. But you and I, my friend, never made a NAP. All my neighbors did though, including the ones you attacked.
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