Re: Conceptual Balance Mod 1.4
I proofread the file, here are some typos I found:
Line 62, 71, 81, 90 (Soldiers): ".. Some are remenants of the old army " (remnants)
Line 106 (Lady of Springs): "Her will and her great pitcher brings life to the land" =bring
Line 185 (Monolith): inhawbiting=inhabiting , cermonies=ceremonies
Line 214 (White Bull): time immwmorial=time immortal?, bland rage=blind rage?, bulls=bull's, umatched=unmatched,
Line 222 (Black Bull): time immwmorial=time immortal?, slyer=slayer, dominannce=dominance, "The Great Black Bull posses legendary stmina"= possesses lengendary stamina, #end missing
Line 229 (Son of Fenrir): berzerk=berserk
Line 422 (Father of Serpens): Serpentd=Serpents
Line 451 (Lord of the Summer Plague): draught=drought
Line 477 (lord of Rebirth): iss=is
Line 527 (Jade Emperor): hange fate=change fate, reduce unrest prevent = "and" missing
Line 586 (Lord of the Forest): forst=forest, Forst has retuened=Forest has returned, beats=beasts,
Line 649 (Mother of Serpents): acomponied=accompanied,
Line 684 (Celestial General): #decr=#descr, Different spellings of "Pantokrator"
Line 770 (Phoenix): spring=sprung, the first=remove one space,
lcks the physical strgth=lacks the physical strength
Line 1555 (Carnutes Warrior): berzerk=berserk
Line 2299 (Vanara): sociecties=societies, maxes=axes
Line 2421 (Bandaraja): 2x thier=their, weapon in of itself=in an of itself? or just "itself",
Line 2588 (Polypal Mother): Aboleths, over the centuries= no comma, neraby=nearby
Line 3167 (Prince General): Thier=Their
Line 3428 (Vaettir): THey=They
Line 3558 (Bandar Noble): see Bandaraja
Line 9760 (Karasa Tengu): It is a mischievous and often harasses humans= mischievous demon?
Sometimes you spelled Pantokrator "pantocrator"