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Old January 20th, 2009, 08:35 AM

Turin Turin is offline
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Default Re: Conceptual Balance Mod 1.4

Originally Posted by Wrana View Post
Bartholomeus th Patriarch got base Encumbrance 6. Shouldn't it be somewhat less.
Hanif - Member of the Third Tier has 13 hp. Isn't it too much?
Hildegard the Heroine is armed with spear and has leather armor. Shouldn't she has something better?
Daidalos the Maker of the Labirinth has reduced stats, but no old age. Shouldn't it be vice versa?
Anthromachus has oldage 10000 and immortality. Why???
King of Legends has just 8 ap. Should be more?
Master with the Iron Crutch should be somewhat tougher..
Abasi (Machaka Hero) as an assassin seems plainly silly. Stealthy thug I think is enough.
Ebuart the Guardian of the Tree gets castle defence. Why?
Dwarf Elder for EA Vanheim gets research bonus. I'd say Forge bonus would be better.
Lug the Long-Handed doesn't have stealth as designer decision (as said by KO). I don't think it good idea to give him one. He is already good, and if you want to improve him, I'd just increase his Forge bonus!
Since this is effectively worthy heroes feedback, I'll reply:

Bartholomeus: A relic from dom2, where arch theurgs had 8 base encumbrance, so reducing it to 6 was a buff. Should be brought in line with dom3 arch theurgs, so a base of 3 would be fitting.

Member of the third tier: black priests have 12, so I don't think 13 hp is too much for a hero unit.

Hildegard: See this is what qm means when he says people don't like him removing buffs from my heroes. I made her basically a mage hero by giving her n2a2 instead of n1a1 she has in cbm. With n2a2 she obviously does not need good equipment. n2a2 is probably too good in dom3 though by giving ulm access to 2 new paths. So I'd probably boost her to n1 a2 and leave the equipment the same.

Daidalos: Again a relic from dom2. Should be modified.

Anthromachus: The problem was that it's really hard to make an army leader hero interesting/ worthwile compared to a bunch of indie commanders. His description mentions him being reputedly immortal, so I just made him immortal for real.

King of Legends: Dunno I saw no reason to change his AP. Could be modified to be the same as a generic mummy.

Master with the Iron Crutch: He has the body of a crippled old man. Why should he be tougher?

Abasi: From the description:"He quickly flayed the animal and used the skin to swim unseen past his enemies. When he had passed the guards, he found himself in the camp of the enemy king. He took his log and thrashed the camp before the enemies could react." Sounds like an assasination to me.

Ebuart: Castle def could be dropped, but it's a small buff and he is a guardian so it's somewhat fitting.

Dwarf Elder: Again a (probably necessary) nerf from qm. They had forgebonus 20 in my version, which is probably too powerful, but forgebonus 10 would be nice.

Lug: Should lose stealth per the developers intention. I had assumed it was an oversight since he has glamour and added it without giving it much thought.
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