Thread: Communions
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Old March 8th, 2009, 04:16 AM
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Default Re: Communions

Originally Posted by GrudgeBringer View Post
One question, when you talk about bringing along gems (I would suppose you mean Astral Pearls) how much does each gem reduce the fatigue?
Slaves can't use gems to reduce fatigue recieved from the masters spells.

Gems are used to increase the level in the path. So if a spell requires 3 gems to cast, each gem used above that increases the level in that path by one (which reduce the fatigue, and can even be used to cast spells that have too high requirement otherwise). The mage can use at most as many gems as he has levels in that magic; for example a mage with E2 could at most use 2 earth gems, while a mage with E10 could use 10 gems.

@Benjamin: Are you positive that the paths are not increased for fatigue? I admit it has been a while since I last toyed around with communions, but I remember clearly being able to cast Communion Slave, Mind Duelx4 with 16 slaves without any of them falling unconcious. That was in a SP where I tested communions jsut to get a feeling at how to use them, and the opposing AI side had no astral mages so the result was absolute carnage... OTOH, I might have had Light of the Northern Star going on too, can't really remember .
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