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Old April 4th, 2009, 12:19 AM
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Default Re: AI Opponent Balance MOD

Originally Posted by Aezeal View Post
why not just make a new nation for what you did with LA abyssia? I know I've placed a new nation as a sort of indy on a map once which the AI didn't attack.. used it as gatekeeper... seems to be what you do too.. why waste a perfectly good nation on it?

I just made all nations friendly with the nation I used as gatekeeper (you seem to imply that AI won't attack them anyway but I've just not tested that ) only thing you need is give the nation ownership and you can place any fun unit you want there.
Yes, the next version will use a new nation for the special independents. At the time it was just easier to use an existing nation.
Hopefully I can find a unique image within the Dominions files for its flag, but I'll create its own flag if no luck.
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