Thread: Guide EA Agartha guide
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Old April 11th, 2009, 12:20 AM

chrispedersen chrispedersen is offline
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Default Re: EA Agartha guide

Originally Posted by P3D View Post
My note on their good siege defense is only due to no deed for supplies.

I found that 6 Seal Guards can take out most indies with the F4E9N4 bless. But to get them built in two turns early one need Prod-1 and/or take high-resource provinces. Most lost fights come mainly from the death of the commander - they are anything but fast dealing the damage. So have a few bodyguards with the Reader/Oracle. Even indie infantry is OK for the purpose.

Oracles are not particularly efficient at research, 7 base RP for 400g, vs. 4 for 120g of the readers. The only available cheap/fast castle is IIRC in Forests (maybe swamps too).

Trogs need protection buffs to survive mid/late game, as they have no armor those buffs are high level. It was mentioned in another EA Agartha thread that 30 Trogs Hold/Attack Rear, Army of Lead+Mass Flight+Quickness can be devastating.

Would Cold Resistance/Immunity decrease extra fatigue for Cold blood?

If you set up in the back top left, against indies, this will minimize deaths due to stray arrows (hold hold attack). Commander set to bles bless.. and then *don't* have him cast spells. Fatigue makes it easier to hit him, and the silly earth balls they cast are pointless. You could tell him to cast earth grip in CBM - that does help your seal guards hit.

Agree with almost every point P. OR you can play in a resource 125-150%, and forgo the P-1.

Yes, cold immunity helps.

Also, if you find the size 1 goblins, or have a chance to buy the mercenary - they are gold. I don't remember if they work with the seal guards.. but I know they work with trogs and maybe your other ancient.

Inefficient research is why I believe you cry for a M1 at least or an M3 preferably scale.
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