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Old April 12th, 2009, 11:17 PM

VedalkenBear VedalkenBear is offline
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Default Re: New pretender: Deep Dagon

Aezeal: Mm. How wise you are, to know that you and others are intelligent.

As some people know here, I very rarely find any new content to be overly weak. Generally it is the reverse. I even noted earlier in this thread that the god (as it was then) probably was too powerful, considering its starting paths coupled with its Dominion and chassis. Since one was dealt with, I do not see why the others had to be reduced to the extent that they were. Also, the thematic source for the God (the original Dagon) shows that underwater 'monster' Gods don't necessarily have a lower initial Dominion than other Pretenders, like they almost always do on land.

Considering the above, I think that this Pretender should have a higher base Dominion than 1. Certainly, it may turn out that another balance may need to be found (I would think lowering its protection would be a good method).
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