Thread: Stealth Troops
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Old April 20th, 2009, 03:33 AM

Endovior Endovior is offline
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Default Re: Stealth Troops

1) You're hiding, so there won't be a battle in #11. You don't interdict movement, and your presence has no effect on the enemy's retreat.

2) If you cut of the retreat of the troops from #12 by also conquering #11, they die from lack of retreat options, same as they would any other time. Retreating happens after combat, so stealth really doesn't apply here.

What you were thinking, I'd assume, is that retreats are immediate, and thus that their success would depend on the order in which the battles are resolved. This isn't the case, though. There is an actual retreat phase, and it's after combat.

The only thing that can force multiple battles in the same province/turn (in the normal battle phase) is when multiple people attack the same province. Ritual magic combats have their own retreat phase, before the normal combat phase, so it is possible for troops retreating from one of those battles to join the defenders for a normal battle somewhere else. But that's a fairly niche case, and has nothing at all to do with stealth.

Really, stealth isn't much different from normal moving, other then that it doesn't trigger battles unless you want it to, or you fail your stealth rolls.
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