
April 18th, 2009, 12:38 PM
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Stealth Troops
I have never played a stealth troop Nation and have a question of retreating.
IF you are in a province on Stealth setting and there is a battle and they can only retreat to your Province, are the retreating troops destroyed as they have no where to go? (I would suppose not but just want to check)
2. If you set your Stealth troops on attack and they win in YOUR province, while your enemy is fighting in the next province over and he loses, will he not be able to retreat into you province and be destroyed... or do you have to fight that battle also? 

April 18th, 2009, 01:23 PM
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Re: Stealth Troops
1. Stealth does not help by retreating. Troops will not sneak in nearby enemy provinces after loosing a battle. Best example is a scout being captured far away in enemy's land. If he's not been killed you get the message about him escaping into enemy's province and dying.
2. You can not attack your own province. You can only defend it.
No troops, commanders in Dominions can attack a province after loosing a battle in neighbouring province.
It can happen that you fight the same army twice in a turn. If you defeat your enemy in magic phase (teleporting etc.) you can still find some remnants of the same army in neighbouring provinces if you attack these provinces by normal moovement or by using stealthy troops hiding in the province. Stealth has nothing to do with it, though.

April 18th, 2009, 06:25 PM
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Re: Stealth Troops
Stealth has no effect on troop movement. The only thing that matters in retreats is province OWNERSHIP. The presence or non-presence of troops, stealthed or not, has no effect.
If you control a province your opponent may not retreat there, if your opponent owns it they can retreat there.
The most painful part is that stealth troops may not retreat into stealth. So if you attack in the middle of nowhere with no province to retreat to it is all too possible to lose your army because of no retreats.
You might, as Falkor points out, need to fight the same army twice if you use magic attack. There is, however, no combination of normal movement (with or without stealth) that would cause you to fight the same enemy army twice.

April 18th, 2009, 06:43 PM
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Re: Stealth Troops
Isn't there something weird about stealth troops combining with magic attacks?
Teleport a mage in and stealth troops attacking the same province will join in. Order them to attack without any magic phase attack and they'll act in the normal battle phase.

April 18th, 2009, 07:07 PM
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Re: Stealth Troops
I think I didn't explain what I was asking very well, although these answers have opened up a whole other train of thought.
What I meant is that if I am ALREADY in a province #11 (in stealth mode) and I have another army that attacks a foe in province #12.
IF my foe is defeated in #12 can he retreaqt into 11 because I am in stealth mode without a battle...
2. My next question....I decide to attack Province #11 (I am already in that province in stealth mode) and win, so now I OWN that province.
I also in the same turn decide with a different army to attack my opponents other army in #12. His ONLY retreat allowable (before I took the province) is into Province #11.
Can he retreat into #11 and fight my stealth troops that just took the province (as I was in stealth before) or is it considered MY province and his army is destroyed as htere is no place to retreat.

April 18th, 2009, 07:24 PM
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Re: Stealth Troops
I don't think I asked my question very well, although these answers have opened up another whole train of thought.
1. If I am in Province #11 (an enemy provinve in stealth mose) and a battle takes place in province #12 with that same enemy.
Province 11 is the only place my opponent can retreat to...
I would suppose (if my thinking is correct) that because I am in stealth mode he CAN retreat into 11 without battle from me.
2. Same scenario...HOWEVER I attack province 11 at the same time I attack province 12.
I WIN in province 11 (so now I own it) I ALSO win in province 12.
As 11 is the only place before the battle he could retreat to...
Is his army in 12 destroyed (as I now OWN #11) OR Do I have to fight him agian that same turn with my troops in province 11?
my thought is that since I did not OWN #11 BEFORE any battles took place , my troops in 11 would have to fight 2 battles as heis retreating troops would go into 11.
AND if I won that second battle he could continue to retreat right past me (if any troops are left) into friendly lands.
I hope this makes sense to someone..LOL 

April 18th, 2009, 07:42 PM
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Re: Stealth Troops
1) Yes. He owns province 11. He can move through it, retreat to it, whatever. It is no different whether you have a large stealth army or just an indy scout, or nothing at at all.
2) No. Stealth plays no role here. The results would be no different if you were attacking both provinces from other provinces with non-stealthy troops. Retreating is resolved after all battles are over.
A ritual magic attack - teleport or Call of the Wild/Wolves etc - is handled separately and before any normal battles. So, if you teleported an attacker into 12 and won his troops would retreat to 11, since that battle hasn't happened yet. There wouldn't be a second battle though. His retreated troops would join the defenders when you attack.

April 20th, 2009, 03:33 AM
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Re: Stealth Troops
1) You're hiding, so there won't be a battle in #11. You don't interdict movement, and your presence has no effect on the enemy's retreat.
2) If you cut of the retreat of the troops from #12 by also conquering #11, they die from lack of retreat options, same as they would any other time. Retreating happens after combat, so stealth really doesn't apply here.
What you were thinking, I'd assume, is that retreats are immediate, and thus that their success would depend on the order in which the battles are resolved. This isn't the case, though. There is an actual retreat phase, and it's after combat.
The only thing that can force multiple battles in the same province/turn (in the normal battle phase) is when multiple people attack the same province. Ritual magic combats have their own retreat phase, before the normal combat phase, so it is possible for troops retreating from one of those battles to join the defenders for a normal battle somewhere else. But that's a fairly niche case, and has nothing at all to do with stealth.
Really, stealth isn't much different from normal moving, other then that it doesn't trigger battles unless you want it to, or you fail your stealth rolls.
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