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Old May 14th, 2009, 11:18 PM
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Default Re: Oceania - Let's fix it. Mod discussion

Originally Posted by Zeldor View Post
- their uber powers uw, there is no debate here, no other nation can challenge them, that's also why there is no big interest in any water nations, so either nerf their uw troops [especially knights] or make other nation troops better [well, mostly Atlantian]

- use mod disabling clams, that's the huge thing for Oceania and forces them to just turtle and make clams...
Yeah, this mod will also slightly nerf the Knights of the Deep (-1 def, -1 att, +1 enc, perhaps slightly worse equipment). The knights of MA oceania are pretty useless (enc 8!) and ichtysatyrs are OK troops. Disabling clams would be quite a global change and I'd consider it outside the 'jurisdiction' of this mod. I'll recommend it, thought

Originally Posted by Gregstrom View Post
Moko would be rather nice though. Skullface for head armour, maybe?
Sweet idea. I totally want to draw that, too. Could end up being more awesome than a barrel of radioactive monkeys. I'll probably start the graphical works this weekend, I'll make sure to post previwe picks here.

Originally Posted by Gregstrom View Post
I did some random reading, and the idea of a cargo cult popped up. It's maybe not suitable for this mod, but in Dom3 a cargo cult could be really interesting. Native cultists with rituals that conjure up black steel armour and broadswords, all with 'need not eat' because they know the rite that conjures up barrels of salt pork...
That could be a sweet idea for LA Oceania. When the R'lyeh tentacle apocalypse hits underwater, Tritons & Mermen flee to the safety of Dema islands. The Demas are samewhat more civilized in LA (due to influence of Marignon Missionaires) and have the cargo cult. Dema headhunters are now gone, but they can recruit mermen + icthysatyrs and could have something along the lines of LA marignon Navigators, too. And once you get a underwater fort up, you'd be able to recruit "Oceanian Survivors", tritons that mean business and have been armed to the teeth by the cargo cult. No more of that bronze crap.
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