Originally Posted by ryo_akashi
The LA Man summon, Bean Sidhe, M1776, uses the same description as the previous EA and MA Bean Sidhe, M1774. Can you please check if this is a description override bug as have occurred before?
Ok, this one is really bugging me. Baen Sidhe, not 'bean'. For those of you not up on the intricacies of gaelic pronunciation, 'Bean Sidhe' ~= bawnshee, whereas the (presumed) intended banshee = Baen Sidhe. Just think about what the dipthong is doing (both vowels are treated as separate and short by english standards). Also, i guarantee if this is supposed to be 'banshee', the anglo-gaelic mythological creature, the correct gaelic spelling is most certainly "Baen Sidhe".
One might consider using "Banshee" for the LA Man one, however, since I see them as more english and thus the anglicized spelling would be appropriate. But that's a matter of interpretation.
Text quoted because he has the unit reference numbers (and i didn't even know about the LA Man summon).