Re: Newbie Vicious Circle
I played (errrr Tried to play one rand game) but it broke up pretty fast.
The reason I 'think' (from the posts as it was a Noob game also) is that not being familiar with a lot of nations they made mistakes while some of the luckier players got the nation they knew and ran over the others, and as they got in deep trouble they quickly bagged it.
It was a nightmare for the game as folks where just Disappearing or going AI. So I am sort of biased agianst Random choice on nations
The best way I have seen is to let first come first choose and if there is a real problem then have a third party roll the dice for them.
I usually put down 2 nations when I join so that If one is taken i can get the other without having to much fuss.
I also think we need at least 1 water nation.
I am open to suggestions this is just my opinion.
BTW...I just checked on how to admin and after setting up the game its a breeze so I should be (hopefully) able to do it.
Lets have some discussion as this isn't MY game its OURS and I want folks to be comfortable...I DO think we keep it as simple as possible for the first timers so they also have an enjoyable exp.
I lasted 19 turns in my fist game and counted it as a victory (LOL) and even won a battle, but it wasn't a noob game (my mistake). Let me know also how many players we want...
I have a doctors appt now so i will check this in about 4 hours.