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Old August 18th, 2009, 04:56 PM

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Default Re: Conceptual Balance Mod 1.5

Originally Posted by LDiCesare View Post
Now that you've heard my gripes, here is some hopefully constructive feedback and questions.
Be warned, this will be long. I'm picking from the changelog.
Also note I do not have extensive MP experience so I may be doing things that are considered worthless or stupid by better players.

I hope you won't consider this list of "I don't like" offensive, I wouldn't write it if I didn't think CBM is a good work. I'm also not commenting on the good changes because, actually there'd be too much to say.

-Gloves of the gladiator number of attacks increased: Was it really needed? I had some success with these in Vanilla.
Well, in the absence of complaints about being OPed, CBM changes are considered fine. I've seen a number of posts saying that GotG are only good in CBM.
-Amphiptere a commander: I know they aren't worth much but flavor wise I don't understand why thy are commanders.
Possibly, but then again, there's nothing that says they can't be either.
-Cheaper titan pretenders: Not sure it was needed.
Do YOU use the titan? He just doesn't have the utility of a number of other pretenders.
-Phoenix turned into an early expansion machine. I think it's cheap for what it provides. I think someone who wants an early expansion machine should pick a great white bull and I'm not sure it's still worth buying even in CBM?
Baalz suggested a bull for his EA Arco guide if you're wondering, see my previous post re: the phoenix. The bull is generally though considered a crappy expansion pretender, mainly because he lacks slots.
-independant commanders slightly more expensive: I don't like. Sure, national non mage commanders aren't recruited, but paying 10 or 20 more for an indie leader won't change that. I pay 60 in vanilla to get a knight commander on turn 2 if I can't have another indie commander, so making them cost 50 or 60 wouldn't change my priorities but upset me a lot. I don't think changing the price of indy commanders fixes the problem of not recruiting nationals, so it should be dropped or another solution found.
So mainly you don't like it cuz it annoys you? I wish a better solution could be found too, but it isn't that big a deal, and anything that encourages nationals is fine in my book.
-staff of corrosion: I'm not sure it changes much to lower its level. When playing T'ien Ch'i, I often have mages cast acid bolts or rain. They can forge the staff, but since they often lead armies themselves, there's noone to give the staff to. If it cost less gems, I migth give it to an indie commander, but then between a commander + 1 mage-turn of forging + the gems and building a mage that can cast acid bolt, I don't really find it interesting. Of course, T'ien Ch'i acid-able mages are capital only so on a big map it may be different, but I'll generally prefer a mage over a commander + 1 mage-turn + a 15-gem-item. Right now I think the change makes Construction more interesting than Evocation, and I don't think it's needed.
I'm confused by what your complaint here is. Is it that you still don't use it? How does it make Cons better than Evoc? A little more clarity would be appreciated.
-catoblepas: I liked them at 15, but if they aren't used much mayb ethey were too expensive.
Haven't used them yet, so I can't comment.
-eater of the dead: Do the changes make it more interesting to summon one considering it's always going to backfire and looks even worse when feral now?
Confused about your complaint here too. I'm assuming you think its still not cheap enough/easy enough to cast?
-slime: ok it was mostly useless, but it was the only spell some water mages could cast and they would cast it. What does the change try to accomplish? Make water magic somewhat useful in combat at low Evocation? Why?
Your point? Slime is great, if anything it lets your W mages cast SOMETHING semi-useful
-blindness: Isn't 2 a bit early?
It doesn't work too much against early SCs, and by the time you get to late SCs you have better things to cast. Do you use it a lot?
-ligthning bolt: Why make it weaker?
So people might use Orb Lightning, and because A magic is pretty ungodly good.
-the kindly ones: when someone casts that and I have blood mages, I want to dispel it asap. It usually costs me 3 mages before I can dispel, whihc costs at least 30 gems. Having the spell cost only 30 means I should always cast it and cast it again every turn if an opponent of mine plays blood since we'll both lose 30 gems but he'll also lose 3 mages. So I think it's so cheap it's a no-brainer and should always be cast is possible, unless all global enchantment slots are used by or needed for other enchantments.
What nation besides Machaka is going to cast this?
-call lesser horror: I don't like the change. It turns SB into horror nations from the get go. Maybe I should just try to use it, but I think horrors should be R'lyeh only, and I don't think it's thematic for Bogarus to be horror casters.
Why should horrors be R'lyeh only? Plus this makes MA Aby and Bogarus MUCH better in the early game. Its still tough to use unless you're basing a strategy on it.
-Heavenly Fires: I spammed them at 10 mana. At 8 it seems too cheap.
I don't play TC much, so IDK.
-Celestial Soldiers: Half-cost is a bit exaggerated in my opinion. I agree 15 was a lot, but 10 would be nice without lowering that much.
Same as above.
-Umbral: This just ruins EA Agartha imo. What do they have left to try to survive? Even the Barathrus Pact boost doesn't do much to change the situation. Lower gold prices for some troops don't mitigate their crappiness.
I agree to a point, but I think 6 would be fine. I would prefer that Agartha's troops get a major boost.
-Zmey: If those flew correctly, the cost might not have to be changed? I don't understand why they move as if they didn't have flying. I'd rather increase their APs and increase the cost a bit, maybe not up to the initial 8.
Haven't played Bogarus, so IDK.
-Oracle: Giving fortune teller may look thematic, but I don't think it has any effect except boosting an already strong choice.
It doesn't do much, so no big deal to me.
-Titan female: Why does hse get a research bonus superior to that of a sage?
She HAS lived quite a bit longer, and its not like anyone uses her really.
-Lord of rebirth: Didn't need the boost in gems imo. He's a very good chassis for getting EN blesses and getting started in Death too, which complements well some nations he's available for.
I'm not sure about this, but until you get a lot of people thinking its wrong, its tough to know whether its true.
-Grey knight: Does he need such a drastic gold decrease? I've not encountered enough to make heavy use of them, but I always wanted to build them. Probably just because I think they're cool.
I don't know what these grey knights are? Indies?
-Tower guard and defender: Are Man LA so strong these need to be more expensive?
Agreed here.
-Adonim: Ashdod can expand with 1 Adon built every turn early on and progress exponentially with these guys, yet their cost remains 400? If Talmai Elders cost more, Adonim should also cost more.
I hope you don't take any of my comments personally. I'm just stating my reactions to them.
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