Originally Posted by LDiCesare
Lambasting Agarthan mags precision is also exaggerated. They can cast destruction + blade wind, and they will kill a lot of people with that. Sure they aren't precise, but the amount of blades you cast makes for the poor precision.
I can testify from "Legends of Faerun" that the precison on those Oracles is certainly worth lambasting as much as possible. I've easily killed more of my own troops with Blade Wind and Magma Eruption etc. than I have of my enemies. The abysmal precision also makes casting buff spells a lottery. As even when I've surrounded my Oracle with those he was meant to buff, he still regularly missed 50%+ of the intended targets, with the rest of the spell covering thin air.
From my experience in that game, as far as the Agarthan mages are concerned, the amount of times you can cast a spell such as Blade Wind does little to make up for the number of times you will miss everything with it at long range, and hit your own troops at short range.