Re: Summer Madness, a game of strategic exploration.
As one of the ***-kickers I feel that you made two errors: an excessively aggressive and incautious diplomatic policy and too much focus on chaff units and land invasions.
To start with the latter: EA R'lyeh is very waterbound(mainly due to fish-mind blasters), your focus should have been expanding in the oceans and ignoring the land. Additionally when you started hitting back against me you should have attempted to raid my provinces, moving in and out of the relative safety of the water. Of course due to my forging gearing up that would have been too little too late as well.
Regarding diplomacy: I had no intention of invading you in the water until I heard that you were trying to build an alliance against me. I would not have been so aggressive on land either, except you claimed multiple farmland provinces, several of which I had already conquered. I felt that was an absurd claim for a nation that is as weak on land as R'lyeh especially against Fomoria in the early game.
Now don't get me wrong. You played a ballsy game and it MIGHT still payoff if my besieging army gets creamed by your capital's defenders. But you could have played it much safer.
Now trading: I am selling Pearls, looking for Earth gems.