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Old August 26th, 2009, 08:46 AM

Sil Sil is offline
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Default Re: Summer Madness, a game of strategic exploration.

Fomoria has not been getting its turns from llamaserver for the past 3-4 days. I always need to go there and request a resend. I am 100% sure that the turn is not being sent initially.
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Old August 27th, 2009, 12:30 PM

kianduatha kianduatha is offline
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Default Re: Summer Madness, a game of strategic exploration.

Yeah, I just got that myself. Llamaserver never gave me Turn 34 and I didn't catch it in time :\
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Old August 27th, 2009, 12:53 PM

Sil Sil is offline
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Default Re: Summer Madness, a game of strategic exploration.

My turn came fine today. Weird.

I will be flying back to college this Sunday and will not have internet access for about 22 hours. Just to be safe, could the turn hosting for whatever turn starts on Sunday(to be turned in on Monday) be postponed until Tuesday? I am 90% certain I will not need the extra time, but I would hate to stall.
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Old August 27th, 2009, 06:36 PM

binarysolo binarysolo is offline
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Default Re: Summer Madness, a game of strategic exploration.

Hrm, given that people are talking about llamaserver problems now... I've been noticing a few problems myself in regards to sending multiple .2h files in a day (I generally spend 20-30 min and send a quick one off first, get all my work done, and then focus on a more carefully thought out one later on at night). So it's happened twice, but some times llamaserver doesn't seem to register the second .2h file (I verified vs some in-game actions such as forging). I suppose I'll file that under the llamaserver bug thread but just thought I'd give a head's up as well.
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Old August 27th, 2009, 09:40 PM

Anthropos Anthropos is offline
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Default Re: Summer Madness, a game of strategic exploration.

I'm afraid our admin is on his way to Canada and in transit Internet may not be so reliable.

I'm going to postpone the next turn until monday the 31st, but I may get time to do my brief turn between now and then.

Bye for now,
Anthropos of Ryleh.

PS: thank you to all of you using effective troops to kick my various armies asses. (do aboleths have asses?) It's interesting to watch, although I am somewhat dismayed at the result.
Live and Learn.
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Old August 28th, 2009, 10:15 AM

Sil Sil is offline
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Default Re: Summer Madness, a game of strategic exploration.

As one of the ***-kickers I feel that you made two errors: an excessively aggressive and incautious diplomatic policy and too much focus on chaff units and land invasions.

To start with the latter: EA R'lyeh is very waterbound(mainly due to fish-mind blasters), your focus should have been expanding in the oceans and ignoring the land. Additionally when you started hitting back against me you should have attempted to raid my provinces, moving in and out of the relative safety of the water. Of course due to my forging gearing up that would have been too little too late as well.

Regarding diplomacy: I had no intention of invading you in the water until I heard that you were trying to build an alliance against me. I would not have been so aggressive on land either, except you claimed multiple farmland provinces, several of which I had already conquered. I felt that was an absurd claim for a nation that is as weak on land as R'lyeh especially against Fomoria in the early game.

Now don't get me wrong. You played a ballsy game and it MIGHT still payoff if my besieging army gets creamed by your capital's defenders. But you could have played it much safer.

Now trading: I am selling Pearls, looking for Earth gems.
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Old August 28th, 2009, 01:16 PM

Anthropos Anthropos is offline
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Default Re: Summer Madness, a game of strategic exploration.

Sorry, so busy at work, forgot to email last turn after I processed it and now I really am dead.

However, busy as I am, must respond to mischevious diplomatic slander.

A) I invaded no province held by Formoria until AFTER he held, sieged (and failed to conquer) my capital province.

B) I offered a diplomatic treaty upon first contact, upon which time his dual blessed giants immediately took my most valuable province and drove me back into the sea.

C) No alliance against Formoria was ever proposed. I expect my short comment to Yomi, was then leaked to you, who had already attacked several of my provinces and was in open war against me from abotu the 5th turn. My comment, was that I could enter into a NAP him as long as he had a NAP with you, and that he should choose which border he should secure, as you had already initiated war against me after my initial generous diplomatic initiative.

While I will soon die, please take note that Formorias army is in the sea on a slow siege.
Many of his forces are now diseased and a good chunk will be gone in the next few turns. He is, if you like, prime pickings. I welcome all vultures to come pick over his incipient corpse.

I reccommend you attack from the north.
The main force is composed of sacred unamarked who both regenerate and have additional defense. He backs this up usually with a single glamored nemedian, but on other cases with a few formorian kings who carry little to no equipment, self buff and generally spam 'ghost wolves'. Occasionaly Morrigans are involved. As sacred blessed troops, their defense is substantial.

Best wishes,
Anthropos of Ryleh.
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Old August 28th, 2009, 05:07 PM

RabbitDynamite RabbitDynamite is offline
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Default Re: Summer Madness, a game of strategic exploration.

Is it kosher to paint a bullseye over ones conqueror in a forum thread? To be honest, it seems a tad unsporting to me. But maybe I'm thinking of the wrong sport.
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Old August 28th, 2009, 06:11 PM

Anthropos Anthropos is offline
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Default Re: Summer Madness, a game of strategic exploration.

Given that the ostensible reason for my invasion was a grossly misinterpreted private message that was leaked to my unprovoked invader. I feel justified in exposing both Yomi's treacherous ways and providing any who wish with the details of Formorias troop disposition.

If you want to PM me, I may tell even more.
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Old August 28th, 2009, 07:23 PM

binarysolo binarysolo is offline
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Default Re: Summer Madness, a game of strategic exploration.

re: Anthropos
I think Sil didn't mean any offense in his reply to ya; just giving you his PoV on all that's transpired.

re: Rabbit
I'll have to side along with R'lyeh on this one... due to its PBEM nature, parts of this game's meta-strategy kinda reminds me of Diplomacy to a certain extent, with all the treachery and enjoyment of that game. I suppose we can do it more no-diplomacy style, but that's a lot of the charm of the game (as well as a lot of the stress). Maybe he's feeding off of that for RP purposes, too.

At the end of the day, though, Dom 3's supposed to be fun, so let's keep it fun and enjoyable. Even when some of us [coughyourstrulycough] are getting our butts kicked over and over by a certain battlefield spell ad nauseum.

Oh and now for something completely different... I was under the idea that we're taking a break this weekend since Anthropos is traveling or something?
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