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Old September 16th, 2009, 11:51 AM
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Default Re: Asia Twist - Wraithlord Wins!

Originally Posted by DonCorazon View Post
Congrats Wraithlord, however you may have won. "All is fair in love and war". If someone did just hand you a VP, well, I personally would never do that since I think both from an RPG and a good sportsman perspective it makes no sense, but suppose there is nothing explicitly against it in the rules
This does, I think, get to part of the heart of the issue. Certainly colluding to have the game thrown was not explicitly against the rules, but has it really come to this? Do all possible bad behaviours need to be explicitly forbidden in a game's OP? Rather, I would say there is a whole host of behaviours that are implicitly rejected; hacking, looking at someone's unpassworded turn, not entering a game with the intention of trying to win or at least play well. Certainly Wraithlord won; it is the manner of winning that is under dispute.

As a sort of Kantian, I might look at these implicit rules and conventions as to good play as those things which are the conditions for the possibility of good games of Dominions. I would argue that what happened here is destructive of the possibility of good games. Diplomacy is a fact of life, and the results are rarely fair, but I would maintain there is a significant difference between actively supporting an ally, and eventually helping him to victory, and doing an end-run against the actual fighting, you know, the actual playing of the game, in order to guarantee a "cheap" and easy victory.
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