Originally Posted by Foodstamp
I noticed you did not designate any start units assigned to the start commander. Also, some general game mechanic mod commands are contained in the nation, I think you misunderstood these to be nation modding commands.
They are:
#deathsupply 40
#coldsupply 3
#coldincome 2
#unresthalffinc 25
#unresthalfres 50
#poppergold 75
Some of the above do not exist as modding commands period. Try commenting those out and assigning starting units (both types) to the start commander.
This commands are in the mod manual, so they should be right. or these can be used only to modify existing nations?
and i wrote #startcom 2290 so these should not be the issue.
i'll try to eliminate the "£" symbol. <-- not the problem
i used copyspr, have i to put the already existing sprite in the venexia folder with other images?<-- yes i had to
problem fixed