spawns a werewolf leader and a bunch of wolfs in a foreign province
Easily done, this can be reproduced by a farsummon (wolves) with a commander farsummon nextspell (werewolf).
more wolfs if the province is a forest
This effect can't be copied right now - I tried before.

could alter the spell itself with #selectspell, though.
I would like to make something similar and/or alter the spell. What i really like would to see the actual spellentry, how would i go about seeing how this spell actually works inside a .dm file?
Have you tried the spell list db?
Burnsaber pointed me to it, and it's been a *great* help!
Would it be possible to alter the spell to have spawn more than one werewolf leader ? Would it be possible to make it spawn normal werewolves among the stock wolves ?
Yes and yes. This would actually require at least 2-3 different linked (by nextspell) spell entries though.
Is there some kind of list where each spells actual .dm content is visible ?
The closest thing, that I know of, is the spell list db. Another method is looking at the user-created spells in community mods. Although, all of my original spells were made purely from scratch using the modding.pdf - so that's perfectly viable too, just not as expansive. I think the cleanest method is making spells from scratch using the spell list db as a reference.