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Old March 31st, 2010, 03:21 AM
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Default Re: Why do my berserk commanders disappear after winning fights

Originally Posted by Squirrelloid View Post
Auto-killed on turn 75 is mostly a way of saying 'you haven't managed to retreat yet, so we're going to assume the defenders get to you eventually'.
'Defenders get to you eventually' assumes every race of people, no matter how primative, is able to eventually kill any type of creature/being from mythology despite any magic buffs and/or items which is not reasonable. If the "best" military units defending a province are unable to kill a supercombatant after 75 rounds it's clear the regular population or other military from the same province wouldn't make any difference. The supercombatant should then be auto-retreated thus instantly forced into a neighboring province to return another day. Auto-Killed is not only historically inaccurate, logically inaccurate, but it's a crude solution when better and more realistic solutions can easily exist within the game.
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