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Old April 27th, 2010, 02:53 PM
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Gandalf Parker Gandalf Parker is offline
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Default Re: Sitting on the fence

I just had an interesting game idea that I want to get down before I forget it. Ballbarians wonderful God Editor program is meant to facilitate creating better AI gods for use by the SemiRand program. It does not create a mod, but instead uses commands which can be added to any map in order to create a scenario type game. It allows the players to build a pretender using ANY units in the game, set any scales, grant equipment, and add up all of the points involved.

OK here is the game idea. Allow players to create any god they want up to specific points. Not restricted to the usual god list. Not restricted by the usual wake, asleep, imprisoned method of extra points. Use a total warfare style map. Maybe one of the Arena style maps, or the Full World map. Or maybe just do it one-on-one with a really tiny dueling map or the Battle Sim map. They can send it to the person running the game who can use the GodEditor to check the points. Turn off cheat detection, add them to the map, start the game.

Its not really my type of game but you have to admit, it would be different.
And might generate some good god-builds for inclusion in SemiRand.
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