Originally Posted by Verjigorm
More reasons your basic strategy is flawed:
1. How long did it take to deploy the strategy? 20 turns? That means that he has 20 turns in which to scry/spy to discover what you're doing. What is the cheapest and fastest counter strategy to your strategy? Can I do that in less than 20 turns?
2. If it took 20 turns to start the strategy, then if it is annihilated, it will take another 20 turns to restart it which means that you only get one shot at it.
3. Even if you don't get discovered, it only takes probably 3-5 turns to put a counter-strategy in place especially if the large communion person is attacking with it.
4. It's not versatile. It's a one-trick pony, so you can't efficiently change to a different type of strategy if your opponent changes his tack.
5. Its counter-strategies are much, much cheaper in both time and resource cost as you saw.
The best defense, therefore, is to pick a better strategy.
That one's obviously not a winner.
1) 2 turns
2) in another 2 turns. But there are 3 more armies like it in striking distance.
3) It looks like any other stack in any other of my provinces.
4) Why the hell not? Just rescript. Or split them. Or use them as phoenix pyred exploding sacrifices? Or soul vortex them up front with attack orders? Or life after death with soul vortex and turn them into upkeep free S1 soulless?
5) What counters are cheap to 100 slave reversed communions? I'm curious.
And as far as not being a winner it's gained me 3 forts in 3 turns so far. Not sure what other measure you want to use.