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Old May 25th, 2010, 08:18 PM
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Default Re: Luck/Turmoil versus Nothing.

Originally Posted by chrispedersen View Post

Also with regards the Fortune Teller ability, I should add that it does not stack with the Luck scale. ie. If you are getting +39% (+45% CBM) chance of good events from Luck 3, you still need a total of 100 Fortune Teller ability to stop bad events, as I'm pretty certain they are two separate mechanics. At least they appear to be. ie. You can not prevent all bad events by making-up the shortfall from the Luck scale bonus with a Fortune Teller total of 61 (55 CBM).
I'm pretty sure you're wrong.
You can make a province immune to bad events with 100 total points of fortune telling ability, but it doesn't "shift" the even to a good event, it just nullifies it. This was shown in a statistically significant test elsewhere on the board.

Basically, your Luck scale operates independently, saying yes there is an event or no there is not and then selects an event from the list of possible events based on how your luck scale has been tipped.

Then when the event has been selected, if it is bad, the computer rolls dice to see if your fortune tellers successfully counter it based on a d100 versus the total fortunetelling skill in your province and if successful, no event occurs.

That's my understanding of event mechanics.
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