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Old June 30th, 2010, 12:39 PM
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Default Re: Preponderance 2 [epic team game returns!]

Originally Posted by DrPraetorious View Post
I have to assume that the partnerless player would immediately quit , leaving the area occupied by 1 AI instead of 2.

And if it were occupied by 2 AI players, they could be set as allies in the .map file, which none of us have seen anyway.

So that's my proposal, anyway. Since only Ironhawk has access to the absent team's identity, and he (understandably!) does not want to recruit a replacement, I see no alternative.
Personally I am strongly against starting with 2 CPUs. That would throw a big monkey wrench into Zeldor's and Ironhawk's carefully balanced game rules and the map. Considering the cutthroat nature of this game, having CPU as a neighbor (actually 2 CPUs) will give some players huge advantage over the rest.

It doesn't matter that only IH has access to players directory, any of us can recruit players (by posting on the forum threads or directly in IRC), we just need to tell them that if they are interested, they need to contact IH who will have them added to the game - he has agreed to do it, he just doesn't want to deal with recruitment/advertisement process.
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