Originally Posted by Kref
Trample (in case if trampler is larger then 3) may be well countered by a size 1 smaller unit with some hitpoints ang good weapon. Troglodites are killed easily by minotuaurs, because two handed axe + minotaurs strength makes much more damage then trampling with size 4 against size 3.
According to the manual, trample damage doesn't change if the being trampled is larger. Size 4 does 16 AP damage against any unit trampled. (apart from that, yeah your tactic would probably work, but I would still be careful with it. Don't go countering mammoths with Jotun woodsmen).
Edit: looking into it, I think using mino vs troglo isn't that smart. The mino has 25 hp, and prot 4. So 2 trample attacks kill them (does around 30 damage). Sure 2 minos hitting back will hit for around 2x 16+ battle axe damage (don't know that think something like 7). Which isn't always enough to kill the troglodyte with 37 hp prot 9. And this depends on hitting first. A mino costs 40, a trog 50. In a straight up fight, I think a equal cost amount of trogs would win.
Also, a mino has attack 8, and a trog def 9. So that gives around 50% chance of hitting. All in all, not that good odds.
(all information based on the wiki).