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Old November 9th, 2010, 11:31 PM
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Default Re: Newbie game - Last Rites(LA) - Recruiting

Thanks for the heads up, Xanatos, I had forgotten of the players list in the OP.

Like Xanatos said, Ermor and Rlyeh are sometimes banned because of their "Scorched earth" nature, ruining parts of the world for the other players, and the fact that they play very differently from standard nations. I personally think that having at least one of them in the game is part of the apocalyptic charm and sense of urgency of the late age, with the pretenders trying to ascend to godhood before the world is destroyed and ruined by Ermor, the Dreamlands or the Carrion Woods. But I digress.

Regarding CBM, I am actually not too keen on the idea. If everyone absolutely insists that it must be used and playing vanilla makes baby Jesus cry, I can consider it. But this being a newbie game and all, I think most are worried about actually GETTING to the endgame before worrying about having a more balanced endgame. And I like my Dwarven Hammers, haha.

Also, what are your thoughts regarding the map? I am thinking of something with around 120 land provinces. Any suggestions?
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