
November 8th, 2010, 09:12 PM
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Newbie game - Last Rites(LA) - Full - Setting up
Hi folks, it´s been a while since I did any sort of multiplayer Dominions. Let´s change that, shall we?
I propose this:
A newbie game on Llamaserver, Vanilla, LA, magic sites raised to 40, score graphs off. 8-12 players, map to be decided depending on the number of players (cast your vote as you sign up!) If you are interested, post here choosing a nation and suggesting a map. Also, please vote if Ermor, R´lyeh or both should be banned.
I´ll be playing Marignon, and vote for neither Ermor or R´lyeh to be banned.
__________________________________________________ _______________________________
1. Patolixo - Marignon
2. Xanatos - Ermor
3. nrasch - Patala
4. 13lackGu4rd - Pythium
5. Mule Warrior - Atlantis
6. Colonial - Midgard
7. Corinthian - Agartha
8. P3D - Mictlan
9. mscfish = C'tis
10. gotchaaa - T'ien Ch'i
11. nerozero - Jomon
12. Kojusoki - Utgard
Last edited by Patolixo; November 13th, 2010 at 06:45 PM..

November 8th, 2010, 10:14 PM
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Re: Newbie game - Last Rites(LA) - Recruiting
Would love to play as LA Ermor 
~Xanatos Nemos, Master of Shadows

November 8th, 2010, 11:46 PM
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Re: Newbie game - Last Rites(LA) - Recruiting
Hi hi.
I'd like to join please as Patala, Reign of the Nagas.
I've played one other MP game so far.
Also, I am on the Dom3 IRC channel as LeafyBits.

November 9th, 2010, 01:50 PM
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Re: Newbie game - Last Rites(LA) - Recruiting
Ermor and R'lyeh are fine, though will be pretty tough for newbies. I strongly recommend to not use Vanilla but rather use the very popular CBM mod, perhaps along with EGM that is starting to be used often as well.
anyway, I'll try LA Pythium.

November 9th, 2010, 03:28 PM
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Re: Newbie game - Last Rites(LA) - Recruiting
It's been a looong time since I last played, time to get back.
I'll take Atlantis, and I vote for no ban on R'lyeh and Ermor.

November 9th, 2010, 03:48 PM
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Re: Newbie game - Last Rites(LA) - Recruiting
I recommend updating the first post to include peoples names/nation choices
in the event I cannot have Ermor, I'd like to reserve Gath.
Oh ya, might be a good idea to include a short description as to WHY ermor and RLYEH would be banned, since many of us are new, they might be so new they do not realize the implications of ermor and rlyeh, its not that those races are harder to kill, its just that you have to design a different strategy to kill them, and generally you gain very little for taking over their lands.
~Xanatos Nemos, Master of Shadows

November 9th, 2010, 06:18 PM
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Re: Newbie game - Last Rites(LA) - Recruiting
Hello boys.
Midguard, Por Favor.
This will be my first ever PBeM. I play some other TBS multi-player, though
Last edited by Colonial; November 9th, 2010 at 06:21 PM..
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November 9th, 2010, 11:31 PM
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Re: Newbie game - Last Rites(LA) - Recruiting
Thanks for the heads up, Xanatos, I had forgotten of the players list in the OP.
Like Xanatos said, Ermor and Rlyeh are sometimes banned because of their "Scorched earth" nature, ruining parts of the world for the other players, and the fact that they play very differently from standard nations. I personally think that having at least one of them in the game is part of the apocalyptic charm and sense of urgency of the late age, with the pretenders trying to ascend to godhood before the world is destroyed and ruined by Ermor, the Dreamlands or the Carrion Woods. But I digress.
Regarding CBM, I am actually not too keen on the idea. If everyone absolutely insists that it must be used and playing vanilla makes baby Jesus cry, I can consider it. But this being a newbie game and all, I think most are worried about actually GETTING to the endgame before worrying about having a more balanced endgame. And I like my Dwarven Hammers, haha.
Also, what are your thoughts regarding the map? I am thinking of something with around 120 land provinces. Any suggestions?

November 10th, 2010, 12:16 AM
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Re: Newbie game - Last Rites(LA) - Recruiting
Thanks for setting the game up and letting me join.
Any particulars about sending our pretender files in n' whatnot?
(aka LeafyBits in IRC)

November 10th, 2010, 02:49 AM
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Re: Newbie game - Last Rites(LA) - Recruiting
I am ok with Vanilla, and recommend 15ish provinces per player.
~Xanatos Nemos, Master of Shadows
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