Tested, didn't work (Although I used numbers instead of names for the latter.)
#selectunit 651
#weapon "nothing"
#weapon "nothing"
#weapon "nothing"
#weapon "nothing"
#weapon "nothing"
#weapon "nothing"
#weapon "nothing"
#selectunit 651
#weapon 269
#weapon 63
#weapon 270
#weapon 70
At first I thought the weapon changes worked, but I guess the Horrors were just unlucky/one-shotting their opponents. The Eater of Gods vs. some undead seems to be Horror Marking them just fine.
Unless it has a special property where things that hit
it get Horror Marked. I saw a command for that in the modding manual, but the database didn't mention any units that actually had such a property.
I think that's exactly what's happening. How do I get rid of THAT?