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Old December 2nd, 2010, 04:05 AM

rdonj rdonj is offline
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Default Re: Vote

Originally Posted by Warhammer View Post
With regards to hammers, I agree with some of the previous posters, CBM is about giving us more options. I feel hammers do just that. They give us options of different items to produce. Otherwise, we just use the same fire/frost brand with boots of the messenger, etc. Its not like the major earth nations are huge threats in the MP environment (Agartha, Marverni, Ulm are not world beaters by any stretch). Hammers give the earth nations bargaining chips early in the game as well as a leg up that they need.
Is that really true? Because I know with dwarven hammers, I nearly always make brands unless I a) don't have the gems, or b) am looking for a more specialized weapon. Without hammers I'd be making less brands etc because you won't be able to afford the gems to craft them as easily and you'll actually have to consider using different gem types. And if all games started uner CBM 1.7 use higher gem frequency settings, you'll still have lots of gems to play with.

Agartha, Marverni and Ulm are hurt a bit by the lack of hammers, but that doesn't mean that they can't be compensated for it somehow. The most obvious method would be with a forge bonus, of course, but it doesn't have to be a forge bonus either (I'd much rather have a forge bonus as a bargaining chip than hammers, though!). But there are a lot of ways you can boost a nation if its been hit unfairly.

Originally Posted by P3D View Post
Originally Posted by rdonj View Post

However, I'd keep dousing rods, as they level the blood playing field. Without them, nations that have B2 access outside capitol has a great advantage, not needing to spend 30 slaves to empower.

Mictlan is strangely not that much affected, they only have to rush Blood 6 (Tlahuelpuchi with B2 for 25 girls) instead of Const.

If nations who only have weak/expensive access to blood are given a dousing bonus, they'll have built in dousing rods and be much, much better than they are presently. Meanwhile strong blood nations can remain the same, which means relatively more expensive blood slaves. Which will bring blood nations closer together. You can't quite do that for a non-blood nation (I don't think dousing bonuses work on units that aren't blood mages already, or you could give a bonus to scouts), but I don't really have a problem with non-blood nations having to struggle to compete at it. It kind of bothers me that all nations are supposed to end up having all magic paths by the end of the game anyway.
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