Originally Posted by Squirrelloid
Les voila. IIRC, I proposed the full nation spec and someone else made the .dm, but i'd have to look up who did that. I hadn't even started modding yet, but they were suitably awesome for having done so.

FWIW, in case anyone's interested, here was the original thread:
...and here's the link to the post in that thread with that version:
As per the description in that post, it was compatible with CBM 1.6, but since later versions of CBM have radically altered the range of units/weapons/armor etc. that it uses, I have no idea if it would still be compatible.
There are actually a number of "indy unit extension" type mod nations out there. IIRC, there's a few based on uniting the tribals/barbarians, another one based on an amalgam of the amazons. Check the mod list at the top of this subforum (I don't know how up to date that list is, but none of these were terribly recent.)